In truth, Wednesday has nothing to do with it, but I always tell my students to have some sort of an introduction, so that was mine. Not great, but that is ok. It is mid-week.
Since my last update, I have have a poor race at the Penticton Half-Marathon, where I ran 1:18:xx. It was 30 degrees at 8:30 in the morning, so I melted on the course. But more than that, starting out holding 3:22/km with Graeme Wilson was also not the smartest start to a race. Needless to say that made it two tough races in a row.
I went to the Sasquatch! Music Festival last weekend where I saw R.E.M, The National, The Flight of the Conchords, The Cure, Rodrigo y Gabriela, and Rogue Wave to mention but a few of the many bands playing at the Gorge in Washington. It was a lot of fun and I got to run in Small Town, America, which was an interesting experience unto itself.
This week I have felt normal again. I went for 54 minutes of fartlek on Monday and just over an hour as previewed the beginning of the Iron Knee course on Tuesday. Tonight I used my new push lawn mower to cut down the burgeoning jungle that was the front and backyard, and tomorrow it is VFAC again. Last week's VFAC felt alright as we did 1 7/8 mile, 2k and 2k (10:06, 6:03, 6:10), so my legs seem to be back under me after a little hiatus. As a result, I am looking forward to the Iron Knee race this weekend (that and it means I am finally back in the trail racing season!).
So, while tonight was on off night, I am feeling good about running again and I am looking forward to getting back on track (or trail! ha!).
Good luck this weekend, enjoy yourself... and run fast(er)!
What about the race.... dude!
I was a curehead once. Now I prefer Rodrigo y Gabriela (or do I?).
How I'd love to do a 1:18:xx half.
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