Thursday, December 06, 2007

Again to Carthage

If you have not had the chance to read "Once A Runner" by John L. Parker, good luck. Try a library, or if you are a bit more nerdy like I am, you can spend $50-$150 for this cult paperback (it is reported that there are only 100 000 in print). A novel about a young runner named Quentin Cassidy, it is a favourite among runners for the ability that Parker has to render the running experience into words.

Now, the long awaited sequel has been released. Actually, it was released a little while ago, but I just found out. I found out as I was loading my iPod with podcasts for my run this evening (a 30 minute EZ run toward town and back), and saw that Endurance Planet had an excerpt of the book as their podcast. Suh-weet. And it was.

Check it out here. (or use this url


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Cunningham, Charlotte Anderson here. Just popping in to see how things are going in Burnaby. Things are okay here, my English class just finished up Romeo & Juliet today, so at the moment I'm attempting to fine tune my sonnet and memorize Juliet's soliloquy. It's pretty tricky, but I'm about a third of the way done...yay! I guess all I can really say about doing R&J is that it hasn't been nearly as much fun as A Midsummer Night's Dream, although Liam Flello and I had a good time duking it out over who got to read the most lines each day. I swear it very nearly turned into a fisticuffs. So how are the Burnabian ruffians? How was Iceland? Did you go to Reykjavík? Did your zips shrink? Well, it's good to see you're doing well and I'll be sure to tell Ele to wander on over and creep your Iceland photos, she'll enjoy that.


Dr.R.P. said...

I tried hard to find Once a Runner for sale for less than $200 and failed. Even my local library could not find it on an iter library loan. I was about to give up, when I found a pdf version of the book (poor quality, but readable) on the web. So at least I am familiar with the earlier story when my copy of Carthage shows up.

I heard Parker will re release OAR next year. I will buy a copy when that happens, because I am sure I will want to read it again.